Over 70 organisations have committed to becoming greener by signing Sport England's Going for Green pledge.

Over 70 organisations from across the sport and physical activity sector, including The Football Association, England Athletics and Paddle UK have committed to becoming greener by signing Sport England's Going for Green pledge.

The aim of the pledge is to tackle climate change and and sustain grassroot sport for the next generation.

Every signatory of the pledge agrees to:

🍃Reduce energy and water usage
🍃Champion walking, cycling and lift-sharing when travelling to activities
🍃Crastically reducing reliance on single use plastics
🍃Recycle waste and increase the reuse of sports equipment and kit
🍃Boost activity to nurture nature and wildlife.

Sport England's Chair, Chris Boardman, said: "From ferocious heatwaves becoming more frequent, making it hard for children to simply run around outside, to tens of thousands of grassroots football matches being cancelled every year due to severely flooded pitches, climate change is already impacting our ability to be active.

"In fact, 3 in 5 people in England are saying severe weather is now negatively affecting their sport and physical activity levels.

"Without action, we will lose even more opportunities to be active, to look after our health, to play with our friends, so we have a duty to act now to protect these things that we love."

To collect more pledges and highlight some of the sporting world’s green innovators, Chris is leading an epic, eight-day bike ride from the home of cycling in Manchester to the French capital, where the 2024 Olympics and Paralympics are to be hosted. that started two days ago on July 16th.

To read more about the Going for Green pledge and their progress click below.


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