SEA Partners
SEA Partners support the journeys of our SEA Members to LEAD, EDUCATE and EMPOWER the sport ecosystem to take action for, and influence, a SUSTAINABLE and REGENERATIVE future.
SEA Partners are leaders in the environmental and climate arena. You are leading the conversation, have a clear environmental strategy, and are making a difference in products, services, research, and/or innovation.
Your opportunity is to engage those in the broader sporting ecosystem to contribute to the global movement, in order to protect our spaces and places where we play.
As a Partner of SEA, you are a movement leader and play an important role in collaborating and supporting our members in doing things differently to make a positive impact. SEA Partners are part of a large network of members, ambassadors, partners and other movement leaders, who work together to create a large-scale influence in the community.
You are a corporate or community organisation that wants to partner with the Sports Environment Alliance to collaborate, co-create, and make a positive clean future difference together, please fill out the SEA Partner application form.
SEA Partner Benefits
Positive positioning as a leading environment and climate supplier or partner to our industry.
Exposure to the mass appeal sport industry audience.
Genuine engagement with the sport industry on the topic of environmental sustainability and regenerative solutions,
Front-of-line collaboration with the industry on related issues.
Invitation to international and national knowledge-sharing and thought leadership events and forums,
Opportunities to share your new developments, practice, offerings to our community of like-minded industry decisionmakers.
Complimentary passes to all SEA member events