Zandy Powell

Zandy joins SEA with a perfect mix of experience in waste, recycling and sport development.

Her first career was in sport, including working as a PE teacher and in sport development at Little Athletics Victora, where she oversaw the Association’s Schools’ Athletics program In 2003, she commenced work in a government educational and engagement role, where she worked for more than 20 years to support municipal waste management and resource recovery across Melbourne.

Her roles have included expanding and managing membership-based networks, organising training and networking events, identifying partnership opportunities and delivering projects to members and target audiences to reduce waste, increase resource recovery, and improve recycling. This includes a broad focus on public place recycling, circularity and reuse approaches.

Outside of work, Zandy enjoys hiking, dancing, travel and enjoying family time. She is excited about working with SEA to expand and support our members to implement sustainable practices and to protect our places to play for the future.


Jan Fitzgerald


Sarah McCully