World Rainforest Day celebrates the crucial role that healthy rainforests play in climate stability, biodiversity, cultural heritage, and livelihoods

June 22 is World Rainforest Day!

World Rainforest Day celebrates the crucial role that healthy rainforests play in climate stability, biodiversity, cultural heritage, and livelihoods. It brings together a global movement to protect and restore these vital ecosystems.

Rainforests house 50% of the world's biodiversity and absorb and store 30% of global carbon emissions.

This year, World Rainforest Day marks 2024 as the year of action. Ending deforestation and combating climate change don't require new solutions—they require immediate and unrelenting action.

This theme resonates deeply with the Sports Environment Alliance, where our mission is to protect and enhance the natural environment by promoting sustainability, sustainable development, and regeneration.

To learn more about World Rainforest Day follow the below link


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