Introducing SEA's newest member – Victorian Institute of Sport

Sports Environment Alliance (SEA) is excited to welcome our newest member, the Victorian Institute of Sport (VIS)

The VIS is at the start of its sustainability journey, with one of its earliest initiatives being the forming of a Sustainability Squad. Comprising 18 enthusiastic staff as well as 5 athlete representatives, the Squad is in the early stages of developing the VIS Climate Action Plan.

Sylvie Withers, Project Manager – Innovation and Research for VIS explains that in their first Sustainability Squad meeting, the group came up with almost 50 initiatives that they could take direct action on, spanning from procurement to travel to education.

“The VIS is committed to embedding sustainability into our pursuit of success in sport and life. Our mission is to foster a greener, healthier future for all by actively contributing to a climate-resilient Victoria.

“We have seen first-hand the impact that climate change is having on sporting activities. From rescheduling and cancelation of events, destruction of venues, to health impacts for our athletes.  We are excited to join SEA to help guide us on our journey and believe a collaborative approach is the most efficient way to reach net-zero,” she said.

VIS recognise that sport and organisations such as theirs are part of the problem but can also be part of the solution.

In welcoming VIS to SEA, Jan Fitzgerald, SEA CEO, said that it is exciting to see such an influential organisation using its platform to make a positive contribution to sport, the planet and society.

“Victorian Institute of Sport has already cemented its position as a leader, on and off the track, and we look forward to supporting their journey of achieving net zero, and a better future for all sports. .”

Welcome to the #SEAChange, VIS.


For more information, please contact Sarah McCully at


Today is World Turtle Day!


Sport and Environment News - May