Introducing SEA's newest member – Samurai Dojo Australia

Sports Environment Alliance (SEA) is excited to welcome Samurai Dojo Australia as a member.

Paul Pirie, Founder and Owner of Samurai Dojo Australia explains that the karate school is excited to join SEA as it aligns with their holistic approach to karate, emphasising the body and mind connection.

“We believe that building self-awareness and character on the dojo floor should extend to everything we do, including our actions within the community and our efforts to create positive environmental change.”

Paul goes onto to explain,

“As we don’t full-time lease our locations, we focus on what we can impact, including a carbon emission evaluation and identifying opportunities to reduce our footprint. One focus, will be to work with our uniform supplier to source more environmentally friendly karate uniforms and protective equipment, ensuring sustainable practices throughout the supply chain.”

“As a community-focused karate school, environmental stewardship is a natural extension of our commitment to the well-being of our community.”

With many of Samurai Dojo Australia students being young children, they are committed to nurturing their growth while safeguarding the environment they will inherit.

In welcoming Samurai Dojo Australia to SEA, Jan Fitzgerald, SEA CEO, stated: “I am delighted to see that a community-focused karate school is committed to taking actionable steps towards sustainability, reinforcing the belief that every effort counts in our collective journey towards a healthier planet.”

Welcome to the #SEAChange, Samurai Dojo Australia!


For more information, please contact Sarah McCully at


Congratulations to SEA Ambassador Rhydian Cowley and his team-mate Jemima Montag


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