Dr. Sheila Nguyen, Executive Director, Sports Environment Alliance
Madeleine Orr (PhD), Post-doctoral Research Fellow at the University of British Colombia in Canada & Co-Founder of the Sport Ecology Group
Dr. Blair Trewin, Senior Research Scientist at the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (#SEASummit 2020 virtual presenter), Dr. James Smallcombe (PhD), Post-doctoral Research Associate in the Thermal Ergonomics Laboratory in the Faculty of Medicine and Health at the University of Sydney, and Dr. Greg Dingle, sport & climate researcher at LaTrobe University
It’s Earth Day…
…and we are co-hosting this fantastic event with the Sport Ecology Group, global knowledge hub for all things sport & planet.
With summer over on this side of the world, we might easily forget how heat impacts on sport, but lucky you, we are bringing that topic back top of mind. This event is a line up of global experts including Dr. Blair Trewin, Senior Research Scientist at the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (#SEASummit 2020 virtual presenter), Dr. James Smallcombe (PhD), Post-doctoral Research Associate in the Thermal Ergonomics Laboratory in the Faculty of Medicine and Health at the University of Sydney, and Dr. Greg Dingle, sport & climate researcher at LaTrobe University.
Madeleine Orr (PhD), a Post-doctoral Research Fellow at the University of British Colombia in Canada & Co-Founder of the Sport Ecology Group will be welcoming us to this event, with attendees from Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the US joining us live. We will be exploring how a warming global climate intersects with the the sporting industry in these countries.
The panel will be moderated by Dr. Sheila Nguyen, Executive Director, Sports Environment Alliance.
SEA Members have the opportunity to attend amazing incredible, change making events like this for FREE, take a look at our events page to see a sneak preview of all the amazing events we have coming up soon.
If you are unable to attend this event, SEA Members and Friends of SEA will be able to access a recording via the Member Resources page. To become a member and access more recordings of incredible stories in Sport and the Environment from around the world, please click the button below to Get Involved.